Our extensive catalog offers over 1,700 online and in-person courses. Tailored for Construction, Hospitality, Hazardous Materials, Airport Services and Human Resources.

Discover peace of mind with our specialized services in testing for illicit drug contamination in properties and vehicles, delivering results within 36.


Trust our professional illicit drug cleanup services to expertly and meticulously restore your property, guaranteeing a safe, clean, and discreet environment for you and your family.

United Safety Associates provides specialized safety training to meet all your company’s needs. Our staff of experienced instructors has been in the business of safety training for more than three decades.  We will work together to tailor each class to your business while complying with all Federal and State regulatory requirements. United Safety Associates’ main goal is to completely satisfy our customers by always teaching Safety first. The courses United Safety Associates offers will exceed your expectations for safety, creating a properly trained employee who is an asset to your company. If there is a unique training procedure you want developed, we can work together to design the course tailored to what you need. It’s like having a safety consultant at your side every step of the way. Our training services evolve and grow as new regulations change in the Federal and State arenas. This will ensure your company meets or exceeds the rigorous guidelines set by these agencies.  We have a passion for making sure that workers practice safe work habits and that employers know how to recognize safety, health, and environmental hazards. Having a safety-educated worker means everyone goes home safe every day, and business for the employer will be profitable.

Now Serving: California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas & Ontario Canada